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The ndebele people are know for their amazing craftsmanship , they decorate their homes with beautiful and colourful paintwork . They come from KwaNdebele in Mpumalanga .
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Pedi people reside in Limpopo Province. They speak Northern Sotho and also very colorful in their traditional outfits. The spiritual father of Bapedi is King Sekhukhune who lived from 1814 to 1882.
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Sotho people are found in South Africa but originate from Lesotho who are our neighbours. They speak Southern Sotho and their capital city is Maseru .
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Swati people are from the mountain kingdom of Swaziland. Some of the Swati people can be found in Mpumalanga by the border . This is where you will see the beautiful reed dance and where King Mswati comes from.
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Tsonga people also come from Limpopo Province , lowveld between the Escarpment and the borders of the Kruger National Park. Historically and currently the Tsonga people in Mozambique are between the Limpopo and Save rivers.
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The Venda culture, which can be found in the Limpopo Province, is built on a vibrant mythical belief system, which is reflected in their artistic style.
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The Xhosa speaking people are in the Cape, most popular city being Cape Town. Tribe of President Mandela & home to Table Mountain. The name "Xhosa" comes from that of a legendary leader called uXhosa.
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